8 Potret Gaya Ikonik Melania Trump, Gemar Eksperimen Gaya

Donald Trump dan Melania Trump.
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- Sosok Melania Trump selalu identik dengan gaya busananya yang serba trendi di berbagai kesempatan.

Bahkan istri dari presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat Donald Trump itu, memiliki ragam koleksi busana haute couture dari berbagai desainer tersohor dunia. 

Perempuan 54 tahun ini juga gemar bereksperimen dalam padu padan outfit saat menghadiri acara kenegaraan. Tak jarang, dia tampil begitu nyentrik dengan busana berwarna cerah.

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Berikut rangkum 8 potret gaya ikonik Melania Trump, seperti dihimpun dari berbagai sumber. 

1. Gaya formal dalam pelantikan sang suami

Mantan model asal Slovenia ini mulai menyukai busana yang lebih formal dan tertutup ketika sang suami memutuskan untuk maju dalam Pilpres Amerika Serikat tahun 2017 lalu. 

Melania tampil dalam balutan busana biru mulai dari gaun, sarung tangan, hingga heels dengan sentuhan warna senada. 

Melansir London Evening Standard, Selasa (12/11/2024), busana tersebut merupakan rancangan dari Ralph Lauren. 

2. Tampil feminin bernuansa fuschia

US First Lady Melania Trump arrives to address other first spouses of world leaders at a United Nations luncheon on September 20, 2017, at the United States Mission in New York. The First Lady addressed the issue of vulnerable children around the world. (Photo by DON EMMERT / AFP)DON EMMERT / AFP US First Lady Melania Trump arrives to address other first spouses of world leaders at a United Nations luncheon on September 20, 2017, at the United States Mission in New York. The First Lady addressed the issue of vulnerable children around the world. (Photo by DON EMMERT / AFP)

Sebelum warna fuschia digandrungi banyak orang, Melania sudah cukup sering menggunakan busana warna ini. Tampilannya semakin feminin dan anggun dalam balutan midi dress sekaligus heels bernuansa fuschia. 

Baca juga: Mengapa Donald Trump Sering Pakai Dasi Merah Panjang?

Ia mengenakan gaun dari Delpozo dengan bagian lengan yang mengembang seperti balon. Busana ini dipakai untuk menyampaikan pidato di hadapan istri pertama pemimpin dunia pada jamuan makan siang PBB tahun 2017 lalu. 

3. Menanam pohon sambil memakai heels

US First Lady Melania Trump participates in a tree planting ceremony of a sapling from the original Eisenhower Oak tree that was removed from the grounds last year, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC on August 27, 2018, (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)SAUL LOEB / AFP US First Lady Melania Trump participates in a tree planting ceremony of a sapling from the original Eisenhower Oak tree that was removed from the grounds last year, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC on August 27, 2018, (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)

Siapa bilang memakai heels hanya cocok untuk ke acara yang formal saja? Melania menepis anggapan tersebut, sebab ia menggunakan pointed heels dari Christian Louboutin saat Upacara Penanaman Pohon Ek Eisenhower di Gedung Putih AS.

Ia tampil dengan blus pink muda tanpa lengan dengan rok bermotif bunga dari Valentino. Gaya ikoniknya ini berhasil jadi sorotan publik.

Baca juga: Gaya Ivanka Trump, Jogging Pakai Tank-top dan Legging Serba Hitam

4. Jaket parka kontroversial

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, MD - JUNE 21: U.S. first lady Melania Trump (C) climbs back into her motorcade after traveling to Texas to visit facilities that house and care for children taken from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border June 21, 2018 at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. The first lady is traveling to Texas to see first hand the condition and treatment that children taken from their families at the border were receiving from the federal government. Following public outcry and criticism from members of his own party, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to stop the separation of migrant children from their families, a practice the administration employed to deter illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.   Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP) JOINT BASE ANDREWS, MD - JUNE 21: U.S. first lady Melania Trump (C) climbs back into her motorcade after traveling to Texas to visit facilities that house and care for children taken from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border June 21, 2018 at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. The first lady is traveling to Texas to see first hand the condition and treatment that children taken from their families at the border were receiving from the federal government. Following public outcry and criticism from members of his own party, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to stop the separation of migrant children from their families, a practice the administration employed to deter illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

Tak selalu memakai busana bermerek dan haute couture, ia pun pernah memakai sebuah jaket parka dari brand fesyen Zara. Namun, jaket tersebut sempat menjadi buah bibir publik.

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